We all love free shipping right?
In fact offer up free shipping on products is a powerful way to close the sale. The last thing we want to do is find a product we want and then be hit with a $7 or higher shipping charge. The amount of failed sales at that point is extremely high!
What happens though if we flip that?
We get what is called...
The Free + Shipping Sales Funnel

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The free + shipping funnel is a perfect matchup for selling something such as a book that has a related course or product attached to it.
For example let's say you have a book about funnel building and you have a video course that goes over it in detail along with free funnels, blueprints and a community they can join.
You can offer the book for free having them only pay the shipping and handling fee and then on the OTO (One Time Offer) after the order form page you could sell them into the course or monthly membership community.
This works great as a single click now upsells them into a higher ticket priced item. On top of that they also now have a physical book to remember you buy which is another great way to deliver them the book plus a reminder for them to join your course at a discount.
Building custom experience sales funnels like this are a powerful way to scale your business and optimize towards a results driving business.
Get this Funnel Blueprint plus 11 others here.